Since I’ve been having an increase in the amount of anxiety attacks I’ve been having, I figured I would write about my coping skills and how I get through each episode. My anxiety toolbox includes:

  • Cleaning/organizing my house
  • Count my breathing
  • Calling/texting an understanding friend/family member
  • Coloring in an adult coloring book
  • Listen to comedy that makes you laugh
  • Listen to calming music, possibly from your childhood
  • Taking Valium as prescribed
  • Workout

These techniques are the main tools that I use when I’m having an anxiety attack. I do my best to take care of the anxiety without taking Valium, but I do take it if necessary. Many  of the anxiety solutions are just a distraction from the reason for your anxiety attack. These distractions simply give your mind a break so you can calm down. Most of the time, all I need is a moment and a little bit of help to calm down.

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